Sunday, July 26, 2015

What should I do today?

Yesterday night, as I lay in bed, I wondered about what I should do today. How I should spend the day didn't come as a question in the past - there was always something I wanted to do during the weekends. Play some games, catch up with some drama, or even do some homework. However, this question seems to be coming up quite often these days. Am I running out of things to do?

There seems to be so many things that are worth doing, but at the same time, so many things do not interest me anymore. It comes to a stage where there are things which are optional. Is it a matter of growing up? Or growing old?

Food for thought:
Recently I watched a Korean drama series - "Producer". There was a very wise line in it about editing that sums up the options we make in life: "Editing.. is about giving up. Whenever you have something that is good or better, you pick the one that is better. You just give up the good one because you can't have everything. If you get greedy.. you can end up losing it all." Should we always settle with what we have? Choose the better of the 2? What if both options are not good enough?

Sunday, June 21, 2015

25 minutes?

Timing is a bitch. Sometimes, life trolls you in such an odd way. Like how you first know someone at the wrong time, such that if you had met perhaps a few years earlier, things would have been so different.

Fate - 有缘无份..