Sunday, July 26, 2015

What should I do today?

Yesterday night, as I lay in bed, I wondered about what I should do today. How I should spend the day didn't come as a question in the past - there was always something I wanted to do during the weekends. Play some games, catch up with some drama, or even do some homework. However, this question seems to be coming up quite often these days. Am I running out of things to do?

There seems to be so many things that are worth doing, but at the same time, so many things do not interest me anymore. It comes to a stage where there are things which are optional. Is it a matter of growing up? Or growing old?

Food for thought:
Recently I watched a Korean drama series - "Producer". There was a very wise line in it about editing that sums up the options we make in life: "Editing.. is about giving up. Whenever you have something that is good or better, you pick the one that is better. You just give up the good one because you can't have everything. If you get greedy.. you can end up losing it all." Should we always settle with what we have? Choose the better of the 2? What if both options are not good enough?

Sunday, June 21, 2015

25 minutes?

Timing is a bitch. Sometimes, life trolls you in such an odd way. Like how you first know someone at the wrong time, such that if you had met perhaps a few years earlier, things would have been so different.

Fate - 有缘无份..

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Long time no post

Wow, it's been a long time since I last posted. I guess I felt that it was quite pointless to post random stuff that did not really matter, and bore whoever happened to chance upon this blog. Or perhaps I was just too lazy.

I'm learning quite a lot in terms of work, and my view of the world has definitely broadened a lot in these couple of months. It's interesting how I always feel that I've matured much as compared to a certain point in time, and time again, I look back and feel the inadequacy of my knowledge, experience and maturity. There is a great deal of wisdom in the words "活到老学到老".

On a lighter and more random note, some guy (I guess in 20s) called me "uncle" as I was walking to the MRT yesterday. I was like -_-'''. Do I really look so old?

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


I realised that my blog must be pretty boring, since I really have nothing meaningful to share. Perhaps some quotes which I hear or read may help to make it just slightly more interesting and /or memorable. At the very least, it's worth a read or worth a little laugh yea?

Quote of the day from Lord Denning on proof beyond reasonable doubt:

“That degree is well settled. It need not reach certainty, but it must carry a high degree of probability. Proof beyond reasonable doubt does not mean proof beyond a shadow of a doubt. The law would fail to protect the community if it permitted fanciful possibilities to deflect the course of justice. If the evidence is so strong against a man as to leave only a remote possibility in his favour which can be dismissed with sentence ‘of course, it is possible but not in the least probable,’ the case is proved beyond reasonable doubt."

I have always marvelled at how Lord Denning is able to put such deep thoughts and theories into such beautiful quotes and analogies. And yet at the same time, it all seems so much of common sense!

It is of course common sense that reasonable doubt does not mean shadow of doubt, yet lawyers seem to have trouble understanding that. Perhaps it is due to the limitation of the circumstances, but really, how likely is it that any case can be proven beyond a shadow of doubt?

Monday, October 7, 2013

What? It's already Monday?

Wow the weekend really flew by. Celebrating the 1st birthday of my cousin's little boy and attending the wedding of my sister's friend occupied the whole weekend. And managed to make me feel pretty old.

A couple of moments ago, I was suddenly missing my primary school days. The days when I was happy doing assessment books, and waiting for my parents to come home so that we could perhaps go downstairs to cycle around the void deck.

Back then, waiting at the void deck for my parents to return home was such a moment worth looking forward to. What happened to all those joyful moments? I can only hope I can find such happy moments in my life again in the future.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

And suddenly, it's Thursday

Time seems to be passing in a blur these few weeks. Perhaps it will continue to be so for the rest of my working days. Week after week, we follow the same routine and habit, passing day after day, months after months.

Many a time, when I read storybooks, or even watch the drama serials where there is no notion of weekend, or not even a clear definition between work and life, I can't help but wonder what it will be like in those worlds. Perhaps only then will people really do what they love for a living. After all, your work is your life. Then again, with the emphasis on work life balance, how will this ever be possible?

Whatever the case, I'm glad that I'm enjoying my work, and enjoying my life. Cheers everybody.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Amazing people

I've been a fan of running man since I started watching it last year. Since then, I've not only watched every single episode, but also went as far as to watch family outing, the variety show that preceded running man.

I've got to say these Korean artistes are amazing people. Imagine their recording schedules when more than 10 hours of recording is consolidated into less than 2 hours of an amazing show weekly. All we see on the show are nothing but a fraction of the hard work by the entire team.

I can't imagine what life will be like now without watching such shows. I'd probably not have such a deep appreciation of the effort and hard work put in by artistes,  especially those who bring so much fun and laughter to everyone around the world.

I can't say how thankful I am to the team who produced running man. You guys are amazing.

P.s. there are many other amazing people out there such as doctors and firemen who deserve our appreciaion too. Here's a general thank you to all those people. :)